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Cross-Government consolidated levelling-up metrics December 2022





This data is a consolidated dataset for X-Gov, comprised of a number of published sources from across government intended for use on the Subnational Indicator Explorer.


A consolidated dataset comprised of several published sources, including Median weekly pay; Gross Value Added per hour worked; Employment rate (16-64 year olds); Total value of UK exports; Proportion of employed people in skilled employment; Gross disposable household income; Average travel time (minutes) to nearest large employment centre (500+ employees) by public transport, walking, cycle or car; Percentage of premises with gigabit-capable broadband; Percentage of 4G and 5G coverage by at least one mobile network operator; Percentage of pupils meeting expected standard in reading, writing and maths by end of primary school; Percentage of young people achieving GCSEs and equivalent qualifications in English and maths by age 19; Percentage of schools rated good or outstanding by Ofsted; Percentage of 5-year olds achieving expected level on literacy, communication and maths early learning goals; 19+ further education and skills achievements (qualifications) excluding community learning; Proportion of the population aged 16-64 with level 3+ qualifications; Number of starts and achievements on apprenticeships per 1,000; 19+ further education and skills participation; Health y life expectancy; Under 75 mortality rate from cardiovascular diseases considered preventable per 100,000 population; Smoking prevalence of adults; Obesity prevalence - children and adults; Percentage of cancers diagnosed at stages 1 and 2; Ratings for: Average life satisfaction, Average happiness, Average feeling that things done in life are worthwhile, Average anxiety; Net additions to the housing stock; Homicide in England and Wales; Inward and outward foreign direct investment; Persistent absences for: All pupils, Pupils eligible for free school meals, Pupils looked after by local authorities.


Details of any additional information regarding this dataset (opens in a new tab)

About this data

Data creator
Office for National Statistics
Temporal coverage
01 January 2018 to 31 December 2023
Dataset theme
Restrictions for access
Access for all accredited researchers
Project approval
Projects must be accredited
Search keywords
Explore Subnational Statistics Levelling-up Productivity Housing Employment Health Economy Connectivity Education Wellbeing



Dataset themeMain category for the topic of the resource
Dataset resource typeThe type of the dataset resource
Statistical Output - Experimental
Geographic coverageThe geographic area covered by the dataset
Temporal coverageThe timeframes covered by these data
01 January 2018 to 31 December 2023
FrequencyThe frequency at which the dataset resource is published or updated
Geographic levelThe lowest level of geography covered by the dataset
Local Authority
Data creatorThe name of the organisation that produced or published this resource
Office for National Statistics
Data contributorsThe name(s) of any organisation(s), other than the data supplier or provider, that have data which are included in this dataset resource
Office for National Statistics, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA), Ofcom - Office of Communications, Department for Transport (DfT), Department for Education (DfE), OFSTED - Office for Standards in Education, Public Health England (PHE), Department for Levelling up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC)
Licensing statusThe license used for making this resource available and defining how it can be used
Open Government Licence v3.0
Disclosure controlThe standard or bespoke disclosure control rules that apply to this dataset
Standard disclosure rules apply
Restrictions for accessRestrictions for users and researchers accessing data in Google Cloud Platform
Access for all accredited researchers
Research outputsThe approval route researchers must take for their outputs to be published
No requirements
Project approvalThe project approvals needed for this resource
Projects must be accredited
Research disclaimerThe disclaimer required to be published with the outputs for this dataset
No requirements
AcronymAny other names or acronyms used to refer to the data
IDS Business Catalogue identifierThe identifier for this dataset resource
ProvenanceDetails of how this dataset resource came to be generated