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Virus Watch in England and Wales





Virus Watch collected personal and special category data to help inform the national public health response to the Coronavirus Pandemic.


Virus Watch data will help to inform NHS planning and the national public health response to COVID-19. We will share data from the study that falls under the following categories: Baseline survey– collects basic demographic information including sex, date of birth, age in years, ethnicity. It also includes details of the household structure, socioeconomic status including household income. The survey also collects health data used for the study including existing medical conditions (general and COVID-related) and access to health during the pandemic. A number of behaviours activities, contact with others and social distancing during the pandemic are also collected. Weekly survey– collects data about any illnesses within the household during each week and the results of any COVID tests performed. The survey collects information on behaviours during illness of the household. Since Jan 2021, the weekly survey has also collected data on vaccination status of household members. Monthly surveys– collect regular data on contact patterns of household throughout the pandemic, regardless of symptoms or illnesses in the household. Each month additional bespoke questions have been asked in the monthly surveys in order to inform important policy questions at the time, including – vaccination intention, household overcrowding status, occupational health data, changes to income and employment, understanding of public health guidance, mental health questions on anxiety and depression, and updated clinical risk factors. Laboratory data– includes information on the results of antibody tests for a subset of participants including nucleocapsid and spike antibody levels. It also includes PCR results for participants that took part in home COVID testing for Virus Watch.

About this data

Data creator
University College London
Temporal coverage
24 June 2020 to 16 March 2022
Dataset theme
Restrictions for access
Access for all accredited researchers
Project approval
Projects must be accredited
Search keywords
COVID-19 Demography Earnings ADR Health and Well-being



Dataset themeMain category for the topic of the resource
Dataset resource typeThe type of the dataset resource
Geographic coverageThe geographic area covered by the dataset
England and Wales
Temporal coverageThe timeframes covered by these data
24 June 2020 to 16 March 2022
FrequencyThe frequency at which the dataset resource is published or updated
Geographic levelThe lowest level of geography covered by the dataset
Data creatorThe name of the organisation that produced or published this resource
University College London
Data contributorsThe name(s) of any organisation(s), other than the data supplier or provider, that have data which are included in this dataset resource
Licensing statusThe license used for making this resource available and defining how it can be used
Disclosure controlThe standard or bespoke disclosure control rules that apply to this dataset
Standard disclosure rules apply
Restrictions for accessRestrictions for users and researchers accessing data in Google Cloud Platform
Access for all accredited researchers
Research outputsThe approval route researchers must take for their outputs to be published
No requirements
Project approvalThe project approvals needed for this resource
Projects must be accredited
Research disclaimerThe disclaimer required to be published with the outputs for this dataset
No requirements
AcronymAny other names or acronyms used to refer to the data
ProvenanceDetails of how this dataset resource came to be generated